Monday, March 14, 2011

Wasted Energy from Cell Phone Chargers

Always unplug your cell phone charger when its not in use. They actually waste more power than they produce, and account for 6% of the national electric bill. They still suck power when plugged into the wall not charging anything. To save power, unplug them when thay are not being used, or look for Energy-star brand chargers.


  1. Thanks for the tip!

    The 2nd grade "Energy Bandits" at OCPS have been selected! These boys and girls are ready to begin their mission of searching for additional ways students and staff can conserve energy.

  2. I had no idea. We will be doing this in our home from this day forward.

  3. I had heard this before but had forgotten about it! My charger is plugged in at home right now. As soon as I get home today I will unplug it and will try to keep it unplugged anytime I'm not using it. Thanks for the great tip and reminder!

  4. I am so guilty of this! I will unplug my phone charger when I get home...and start making a more conscious effort from now on! Thanks for the tip!

  5. I am going to start unplugging everything not in use when i leave the house and while at home. My electric bill is way too high. Based on the data provided on this site-I am betting I can reduce my monthly bill by being more conscientous about energy usage.

  6. I know my charger does, I have a droid and it seems I have to charge it in my car and at home all the time. Very bothersome. :(
